Kelly & Jacob Kahn, Proud Parents To Be!

LE Henry Twins
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Special Delivery!
T minus eight weeks and counting until our daughter’s precious little peanut will be here! We are beyond excited to meet our first Grandbaby! Congratulations to the parents-to-be!
It is so weird to think my baby has grown up and is having a baby of her own! It is also tough to observe from the background. Watching her become a parent and making all the decisions come what may;) As her Mama, my instinct is to jump in and suggest this or that. Learning to bite my tongue, and allowing her to become a Mama has been the hardest thing for me. Placing my expectations on her, based on traditions we’ve come to know. I often forget they are starting their journey, making their own traditions. However, as a Mama, she will always be my baby girl and I will always worry and want to protect my girl. As hard as it may be we’ll respect our daughter and Son-In-Law’s wishes ever they may be and will be thrilled and honored to help in any way we can.
To honor her Fathers’s wishes in not finding out the gender, Kelly & Jacob have kept the baby’s gender a secret from everyone! With all the reveal parties everyone does nowadays, it’s nice to get away from all that. Just be surprised to have a healthy baby! No matter what the gender;)
Some may know Kelly has been a rock and instrumental in helping Alz’s Nursery grow. Not only does this power horse help the nursery when she can, but she also serves her community as an on-call firefighter. You will also find her working full-time in the emergency room as an Emergency Medical Technician. As you can imagine life can be very busy and stressful at times. So, she helps herself by (and others) de-compressing while working part-time at the local flower shop. Playing in the dirt and being surrounded by pretty flowers is just what the soul could use to relax and unwind a bit.
With all that in mind, I wanted to give our followers a heads-up. Come the end of July baby should be arriving at any time. I have chosen to slow down and take a couple of weeks off to help support our daughter & Son-In-Law’s needs. Please have patience with me on posting updates on our current works in progress or returning emails… during that time. As you can see, at the end of summer we will have lots going on! As always should you need anything, please feel free to email me at: ginger@alzsnursery.com and I will get back to you as soon as possible:)
Thank you again for all your continued support!
Ginger Kelly