Happy December gang!
As we forge into the holiday season so many people find themselves faced with the challenge, “what should I get for…?” But as the times have changed, we also have found many are gravitating away for the traditional gift giving. There are all types of giving. from gift exchanges to games to serving. Personally the best part of our holidays is simply being with the ones you care about. Hearing the laughter and seeing the smiles across the faces of your loved ones, is enough to light up any drizzly dreary day. However, not all of us are fortunate enough to have even the simplest of pleasures but we can help change that.
This season we are offering the chance for others to both pay it forward and to be able to give that perfect gift. As our newest auction is now underway, the excitement grows with anticipation of helping a much deserving family this season. Knowing 100% of the proceeds will be put towards a good cause is so rewarding! Not only will we be able to spread some joy, the winner of the auction will also have the ability to help another family. Not to mention, be able to fulfill that nagging feeling about what should I give or do to make this season more meaningful. So make sure to get your bids in before the auction ends! This beautiful baby boy has a big job to accomplish, fulfilling not one but two wishes! LE Gideon will only be available for a short time so don’t miss out!

Now it’s time for us to start thinking about how we can thank you, our followers! So this month we will make it so very simple for our fans. Everyone who follows us on Instagram will have the chance to be entered into the December giveaway! So simple and easy:) If you have not done so, make sure to follow us by December 31st in order to be entered! The winner will receive the coziest bundle of goodies to keep your little one warm and snug this winter;) Watch for details to come on our Facebook page!!
Sending love and cheer this season,