Well, as we said goodbye to November we ended the month with yet another giveaway, the Thanksgiving Bundle Challenge. After having to do a redraw due to the bundle of prizes not being claimed in time, we named a new winner, Tonia Smith. In addition to giving away the Bundle we also had a bonus draw. Not for just one or two, or even three gifts; we ended up giving away seven additional goodies for just those who attended the live broadcast on our Facebook page as a special thank you.
Our winners Colie Meyers & Wendy Lynn were each lucky enough to snatch up a $50 gift certificate. Pam Dilts, Kristie Voorhees and Nicole Fedie got a special little package sent their way. Two of the ladies received the cutest newborn outfits while the other received a beautiful new preemie onesie set. Lastly we gave away two of the cutest baby accessories to Megan Varney and Lori/Dustin Taft. A Mushie pacifier clip and a beautiful custom made tieback headband by Girls Dream, for their little one.

While those who came to have some fun hanging out with us in the nursery were lucky enough to get an exclusive sneak peak of our auction baby, baby Tony (Little Tony’s auction will be going live hopefully sometime in the next couple of days). We also had some fun picking out the next gifted baby. It was pretty unanimous everyone fell in love with our sweet little Ember. This little nugget will be gifted to one lucky Grandpa. I’m sure he will give her all the best Opa hugs and kisses ever. Bringing a much needed smile to brighten any day.
While we are forging into the upcoming year we are going to be one hopping nursery! Lots of babies in the works. Currently our slots are filled through the end of February. You are still able to reserve a slot for the next available opening. For more information please feel free to reach out to us.
As we go into full swing for the holidays we will be holding a December challenge exclusively for our new fans and one for our existing and loyal followers. It’s so easy and simple to do. Simply start by subscribe to our website;) More information to come so stay tuned gang!