Please keep in mind this is a rough idea where we should be at in the reboring process and not a guaranteed time line. Please feel free to reach out should you have any questions;) Schedule subject to change.
Harper– Is home safe and sound with her new Mama!
Henry– Is finally done and will be heading home soon!
Available to Adopt
LE Jezebel– Jezebel is completed and will be available to reserve or adopt soon;) Watch the website for updates to come!
Gifted Baby
TBD– As we adjust to our new schedule with getting back to work and taking car of our grandson, progress updates may be a little behind. I appreciate your patience;)
Customs are now closed through 2025 while we work on mastering new and better skills. Don’t worry you will not loose your place on the wait list. As soon as customs open once again, I will be reaching out to the next person on the list! I can’t thank you all enough for your support and patience:)
Henry– By now this sweet boy should be on his way home!
Available to Adopt
Lots of babies are in the works and will be available to purchase from us directly! Come visit our booth at the West Coast Doll Show February 28th- March 1st 2026
We have a very special gifted baby going to the Fain family. In honor of the unexpected loss of their Grandson, Luke. This beautiful and sweet boy was tragically taken from this world way too soon! Luke’s was a true hero as his organs saved the lives of countless others. May his light and love continue to live on. I will be creating a very special memorial baby in his honor.