Please keep in mind this is a rough idea where we should be at in the reboring process and not a guaranteed time line. Please feel free to reach out should you have any questions;) Schedule subject to change.
Harper– I have made pretty good progress with this sweet girls rooting! I’m using the most beautiful blend of light blonde colors!
Henry– It’s this little guys official slot time. Henry has had his initial base layers done and first first rounds of texture!
Available to Adopt
LE Jezebel– I have completed this beautiful sculpt’s rooting! If your interested in how we painted her check out our YouTube tutorials!
Priscilla– Has made it home safe and sound just in time for the holidays!
Gifted Baby
TBD- We are now taking in more nominations for our next gifted baby! If you would like to nominate your loved one check out the link below:) Nominate A Loved One.
Harper– Rooting, rooting rooting! I’m very optimistic I’ll be close to finishing this peanut’s rooting and getting those beautiful blue eyes set! If all goes well, I’m hoping I’ll be just about done by the end of the month!
Henry– This little guy should be in the beginning to middle stages of painting. In no time will have some beautiful layers developing!
LE Jezebel– We have wrapped up the YouTube tutorials using this sweet sculpt. She should be assembled and ready to adopt soon;)
Gifted Baby
TBD– We are still on the hunt for the next recipient! If you have a family member you would like to nominate please feel free to contact me or submit the nomination form;)
Harper– By now I should be done with Harper’s rooting, assembly and hopefully on her way home, if not already home!
Henry– Base layers, undertones, texture, and his mottle should be completed by now. Hopefully I’ll have even already started on his finishing details!
Available to Adopt
LE Jezebel– Jezebel is completed and will be available to reserve or adopt soon;) Watch the website for updates to come! Gifted Baby
TBD– As we adjust to our new schedule with getting back to work and taking car of our grandson, progress updates may be a little behind. I appreciate your patience;)