First off, let me tell you what’s currently cooking in the nursery.
The next little custom baby, Laila, by BB Is ready for some eyebrows than on to rooting her hair and eyelashes. Ahead of the schedule, I might add! She has come such a long way. from a blank piece of vinyl to a baby full of life and personality. This is not something that just happens overnight or with a couple of coats of paint. It is a painstaking process involving anywhere up to a hundred hours or more just for the painting process by adding the thinnest layers of colors. All strategically placed replicating blood flow, capillaries, veins, lanugo, cartilage, and much more. Tack on another hundred or more hours if the hair is rooted. Achieving hyper-realism is an art that takes practice, patience, time, and knowledge which does not come cheap or quick. Self-commitment and dedication to learning to grow is a must and a never-ending process.
One of my favorite parts of creating these little ones is watching them come to life in my hands. I just love taking lots of photos along the way to compare the process from where I’ve been to where I’m going. I find it so mesmerizing and gives me the added drive when I start to question myself on where to go next with a baby. Take a peek at one of our little nuggets who comes to life right before your eyes on our Tik Tok.
We are also making great headway on our next custom, Zori sculpt by Dawn McLeod, and the next two babies that will be available to adopt on our website once complete, Zendric sculpt by Dawn McLeod and Aisha by BB.

Now let’s talk about Kindness for a minute.
Right now with all the stuff that’s been happening around the world I decided I would like to share a personal story with you. I hope you take a minute out of your day to do a kind act. Let anyone know how they have impacted your life in a tiny or big way. I so often see the hurt in people’s lives it’s nice to be able to take some of that pain and turn it into something more. So today I want to share about another amazing artist named Jade. I will keep her comments private however I thought I would share how she made such a huge impact in my life and how I will forever be grateful to my new friend. Kindness goes a long way and like ripples in the water, they know no end.
You don’t know me but I wanted you to know how much your baby truly means to me! Back story, I had purchased Your Thomas by Olga Auer, from another person’s personal collection in January of 2020. She originally bought him from you in September of 2019, as his first Mama. Fast forward, I wanted to start buying babies to give away to people that had Alzheimer’s or dementia-related issues after seeing how my Mama fell in love with another baby. But, when I got your boy, I just fell in love and had to share him with my Mama. Of course, she instantly fell head over heels for him!!
He became my Mama’s, favorite baby. She renamed him Billy and took him everywhere she went. He kept her company and gave her a peace and calmness while in the hospital (on more than one occasion). All the way to the end. You see, my beautiful Mama ended up getting COVID and was taken by ambulance to the hospital by paramedics back in April of 2020 (at the beginning of the pandemic). Being that everything was on lockdown I was not able to be by her side but Billy, was.
She was very sick but needed Billy with her so the paramedics buckled little Billy onto my Mama’s chest as they took her in. Everyday we got to talk to my Mama on Zoom (video calls). Everyday we talked about how little Billy was taking care of her and keeping her company until they would let us in. Each day we talked we saw her getting sicker and sicker until she could no longer hold the phone. Billy was her one constant. He was her sole companion, he was her “buddy”. One week later she was brought home via ambulance on hospice to be able to pass away peacefully in my bed surrounded by family. She came home May 3rd at 11:30 am and passed the next day at 5:04 pm.
I can’t tell you just how much little Billy means to me. I’ve left him exactly the way my Mama last touched and kissed him. I have not touched him since. Other than keeping me company while I now reborn babies in honor of my Mama. Continuing to give them away to those that need them the most. Every now and then I’ll talk to my mama then lean into the little bed where Billy now rests and take in my Mamas scent that still lingers on his tiny body.
I want you to know from the bottom of my heart, thank you for giving my Mama the best gift she could ever have during the scariest and darkest time ever, confined, quarantined and unable to touch a soul but Billy. You truly had a special purpose in my Mama’s life. You gave life to my Mama while she was losing hers. For that, I’ll forever be grateful and in your debt! Thank you my dearest friend I’ve yet to meet. God bless and always keep you safe.